Well, it looks like it's almost a definite that we'll be heading to Basel sometime this summer, just not sure of the details yet. Have been trying to figure out info for cost of living in Basel to make sure we can do it, and wanted to get that info down here all in one place. If anyone sees anything that sounds wrong feel free to post a comment. So far they have all been very helpful!
Rent in the UniBasel area: approximately 1000-1300 per month (trying to get at least a 2 or 3 room apartment but it'll depend on price since we really need to try to stay at around 1K)
Health Insurance: 200-300 per person
Internet: 15-35 per month (Cablecom was one possibility)
Mobile Phone: Base 20 per month, per minute fees apply
Public transportation costs: 64 per month, 640 per year (more on this below)
Utilities: No info provided by anyone as yet, I'm guessing in the range of 100-300 depending on what exactly you have to pay - electric, gas, heat, water, trash pickup, etc.
Not figured yet: Move-in costs - Thoughts: Should we rent a furnished apartment or not, and if not, how much is it going to be to buy the necessary furniture - I'm thinking we might need to budget around 2-4K for this. We plan on shipping over our computers, or at least 1 computer, but will have to buy monitors in Switz., only other stuff we might ship over are possibly a few books and probably some kitchen stuff. Any recommendations on any must have kitchen items (i.e. hard to find over there) are welcome :)
Info on public transport and trash/recycling from Nick on BaselExpats list. Thanks Nick, this is really helpful!
http://www.tnw.ch/content/fahrgastinfo/tickets/preise.aspx#uaboThe U-Abo is good for all trains, trams and buses in the North West Switzerland area. For adults over 25 the monthly one is SFr64 while the annual one is SFr640. A single ticket on the tram or bus costs SFr2-3. If you plan to visit the surroundings - e.g. my wife and I do a fair bit of hiking and use the trains and trams to get to places so the U-Abo more than pays for itself.
If you will be mainly in the city, Basel is reasonably bike-friendly (though nowhere near as good as in the Netherlands) and you might only use the trams infrequently if you decide to get around by bike. In this case maybe a Mehrfahrtenkart which has about 12 prepaid journeys on it and you stamp each time you use a tram or bus might be sensible. You buy MFK at any of the tram ticket machines at any tram stop.
If you plan to use the trains a lot, you might do well to get a Halbtaxabo from the train company (
http://www.sbb.ch). They cost SFr150 a year and get you half price travel on all trains. On some journeys - where a train's route has a stop within the NW Switzerland region - you can combine the U-Abo to get to the last station in the region with the Halbtax to get half price thereafter - so it works out quite reasonable.
Utility bills will depend on your rental contract. We pay for our own electricity, while water and heating costs are calculated as part of the rent. If over the year we use less than the calculated amount we get a rebate from the landlord.
In Basel Stadt, refuse is placed on the street in special bags called "Bebbi" sacks which you buy at various outlets like the supermarket. The bags are quite expensive and the intention is you recycle as much as possible thus only putting what you really have to into the Bebbi sacks. The Bebbi sacks cost SFr 1-3 a piece depending on size. Recycling is quite easy - there are combined bottle, battery and alu-can banks on most street corners - our nearest one is about 30m from our front door. PET drink bottles we recycle at the local supermarket. There are paper and metal collection days once per month; you separate paper and card (envelopes are card apparently) and put them on the street tied into bundles.
Consumer goods live televisions carry an additional "recycling tax" when you buy them, meaning (e.g.) if a TV dies, you can take it to any TV shop to have it recycled.